Some Notes of Calibration
Language Models (Mostly) Know What They Know
study the extent to which Language Models (LMs) possess this ability and how it can be elicited and imparted
- do the probabilistic predictions from language models match up with frequencies of occurrence?
- using models to evaluate the accuracy of their own outputs
- ‘brainstorming other possibilities’ helps large models to evaluate the validity of a given answer option
- having language models attempt to directly evaluate their own state of knowledge
Glossary: Observables and Metrics
- Expected Calibration Error (ECE)
- first divide the probability interval [0, 1] into multiple bins
ECE is calculated as a weighted average of the accuracy/prediction error across the bins
- weighted on the relative number of samples in each bin.
- \[ECE = \sum_{m=1}^{M} \frac{\mathopen| B_m \mathclose |}{n} \mathopen| acc(B_m) - conf(B_m)\mathclose|\]
- Examples
- Expected Calibration Error (ECE)
Larger Models are Calibrated on Diverse Multiple Choice Questions
- Calibrated predictions
- A model makes calibrated predictions if the probability it assigns to outcomes coincides with the frequency with which these outcomes actually occur.
- Language models can produce well-calibrated probabilities when they are asked to choose the correct answer from among several explicit options.
From Calibration to Knowing What You Know
Replacing an Option with ‘None of the Above’ Harms Performance and Calibration
- whether the model actually knows whether each of the answer options is correct, when judged independently
- modified our multiple choice evaluations by replacing their final option with “none of the above”
- make questions that do not actually have a unique correct answer ambiguous or impossible
- adding “none of the above” harms calibration
Models are Well-Calibrated on True/False Tasks
- simply ask models if a given answer is true or false
RLHF Policy Miscalibration Can Be Remediated with a Temperature Tuning
Ask the AI: Is your proposed answer True or False?
- apply the True/False approach to the samples models generated when trying to answer questions
- Zero-shot, P(True) is poorly calibrated, and typically it lies close to 50% for typical samples
- Showing Many T = 1 Samples Improves Self-Evaluation
Just Ask for Calibration: Strategies for Eliciting Calibrated Confidence Scores from Language Models Fine-Tuned with Human Feedback
- RLHF-LMs may sacrifice well-calibrated predictions for the sake of closer adherence to user instructions in dialogue
- This paper evaluates several methods for extracting confidences about model predictions from RLHF-LMs
- prompts that elicit verbalized probabilities
- i.e., the model expresses its confidence in token-space
- as either numerical probabilities or another linguistic expression of uncertainty
- i.e., the model expresses its confidence in token-space
- popular RLHF-LMs are able to directly verbalize confidence scores
- that are better-calibrated than the model’s conditional probabilities (estimated via sampling)
Evaluating Calibration in RLHF-LMs
- Metrics
- bin model predictions by their confidence and measure the average accuracy of predictions in each confidence bin
- ECE-t
- ECE with temperature scaling
- Temperature scaling fits a single temperature value β to the model’s confidences to minimize negative log likelihood (NLL) on the data
- BS-t
- Brier Score on temperaturescaled confidences
- the mean squared error between the confidences and the correctness labels
- the area under the curve of selective accuracy and coverage
- Datasets
- TriviaQA
- contains 650k question-answer pairs gathered by trivia enthusiasts
- SciQ
- contains approximately 14k crowdsourced science exam questionanswer pairs
- TruthfulQA
- contains 817 questions designed to test language models’ tendency to mimic human falsehoods
- TriviaQA
- Evaluation protocol
- use either GPT-4 or GPT-3.5 to evaluate whether a response is essentially equivalent to the ground truth answer
- Methods
- Sampling Estimation
- Label prob.
- ‘Is True’ prob.
- Verbalization: the model expresses its confidence in token space
- Verb. 1S top-k
- produce k guesses and a probability that each is correct all in a single response
- take the highest-probability prediction and its associated probability as the model’s output and confidence
- Verb. 2S top-k
- the model is first asked to provide only its answers
- and afterwards, in a second round of dialogue, asked to assign probabilities of correctness to each answer.
- Verb. 2S CoT
- uses a chain-of-thought prompt before giving a single answer
- Verb. 1S top-k
- Ling. 1S-human
- prompted to assign confidences to its guesses by choosing from a set of linguistic expressions of uncertainty
- {Almost certain, Likely, . . . , Almost no chance}
- prompted to assign confidences to its guesses by choosing from a set of linguistic expressions of uncertainty
- Ling. 1S-opt.
- uses a held out set of calibration questions and answers to compute the average accuracy for each likelihood expression, using these ‘optimized’ values instead.
- Sampling Estimation
- Large RLHF-LMs can often directly verbalize better-calibrated confidences (either a numerical confidence probability or an expression such as ‘highly likely’) than the models’ conditional probabilities.
- Language models can express their uncertainty with numerical probabilities as well or better than with words, which is surprising in light of long-standing difficulties in representing numbers in language models
- Chainof-thought prompting does not improve verbalized calibration